The Importance of Breast Care Nurses

I’m fundraising to ensure that no one goes through breast cancer without the care of a McGrath Breast Care Nurse.
Isla's diagnoses came as such a sudden shock for our family and the speed of which everything happened was frightening. Without the care, support and invaluable experience of the breast care nurses it would have been far too much for us to process. They've turned what is a cold, clinical and scary process into something that's understandable, manageable and, at times, even fun.
When you go through something like this it can all become very overwhelming, very quickly. For Isla to have a shoulder to cry on and someone to talk to, or just hug, who understands this process intimately and can simplify the complicated is a luxury we're so glad we have.
I want to make sure other people in Isla's position have that same luxury. You can play your part by donating even the smallest amount as I work my way through 20,675 push ups in November. A small price to pay to watch my arms fall off.
Your support will be raising funds to help the McGrath Foundation reach their goal of 250 nurses by 2025, to work towards ensuring no one misses out on care.
Team Foy
My Achievements

Finalise your page by adding a profile picture!

Self donate $50 to get the fundraising off the mark!

Get 5 friend, team mates or family to donate!

Reply to a donation with a thank you message.

Reach your fundraising target!

Keep up the momentum and raise $100


Raj And Bronwyn - Clovelly Restaurant Warrnambool
Great effort for a wonderful course.

Katherine, Hadyn & Issy
Go you good thing!!!! You are amazing humans. Sending our love to you all.

Mick Hardiman
I said I’d double it when you got there…. It really didn’t seem like enough. Plus, I hate uneven numbers - so I thought I’d make it a nice even $6000! Well done mate. An enormous effort.

Matt, Krista & Mia
onya mate! Great effort. Very proud of both of you! Keep fighting!

David & Aideen Bowstead

Angela R
Saw your story on Facebook. Stay strong.


1 cent per push up, doesn’t seem much but soon adds up. Good luck mate, I struggle to get to 10!!!

David Naylor
690 per day. Gee willikers mate, good luck with that 👍

Luke Gay

Chris Sullivan

Peter Watkins
Right behind you all the way guys! ❤️

Jeremy Ashley
Push up king

Deb Foy

Jc Pawiak
Wishing you guys all the luck and strength in the world! You guys have done so much for others, and make me proud to be part of our SAS community, so I'd love to help as you guys take on this journey with the most amazing mindset and attitude. That I know, is what's going to get you through it and out the other side! All the very best guys! -JC.

Mick And Jenelle Hardiman
Hope this donation gets you on your way towards your fundraising goal. I’ll double this when you do your last push-up!

Sean Carter

Sean O'sullivan
Keep fighting the good fight kids!!!! Thinking of you!!!

Steve And Sue
Go Trev, but take it easy that seems like an awful lot of push-ups and I am pretty sure Isla and the kiddies need you fit to carry them and espresso martinins for the boss!

Andrew Clinch
Legend go woods

Helen Naylor
Well done Trev. Both you and Isla are so inspiring! Good luck, I know you can and will do it.

Nyree Hart

Damien White
You are an inspiration mate. All the best with a speedy recovery Isla

Corey Moore
Rounding you off to an even $5,500. Trev you're a legend, and Isla you're an absolute inspiration. Keep fighting the good fight, love you guys. ❤️

Malcolm Coe
My wife survived breast cancer at the age of 40. She is now 73! There is hope for everyone.

Rhonda Harvey
Good luck with doing that many push ups

Phil Johnson
Keep fighting the good fight!

Tim Lambert
All the best to Isla - hope she finds your rock-hard post-push up pecs inspire her to wellness!


Lewis & Bryn Matthews
SAS stand with you every step of the way. Not helping with the push-ups though, just standing over you watching whilst smashing down a few cold ones. Doing it with you in spirit though. Big love to the two of you.

Ollie Civil
COYS - thoughts are with you you Trev

Patrick Foy
That's a lotta push ups !! Good luck Trev

All the best mate you and Isla are living legends 👌

Mike Steen
All the best

Steve & Gina
Inspirational stuff!

Tim Lambert
Amazing work Pres!

Simon Cordeiro
Smash it Trev!

Tim Foley
Cracking work mate


Katy Ong
Do it for Isla!

Andrew Pawiak

Jack Parker
Keep up the great work Trev!

Ryan Matthews

Mike Larcombe
Epic effort mate! You and Isla are doing such amazing work to raise awareness. Best of luck to you and your family.


David Slack

Sara Louise Berry
Wishing all of you the best. Xx

All the best

Julian Potter
Wishing both Trevor and Isla all the best ..

James Ross
Sorry to hear this, mate. Well done on your challenge and Up the Saints. J

Paul J Konstanty

Deb Turner
Amazing job!

Total Saints Podcast
Wishing you continued positivity - for this challenge and the ongoing family journey. From Ben and the TSP team x

Zo Zo
Fantastic effort Trevor. Best wishes to your wife, Isla.

Melanie Evans

Love the SAS page! Good look from London.

Julia Fitzpatrick
From your UK saints family. Wishing you the best of health and with your recovery.
Bloody proud of you mate!