Tommy’s Shave for Cancer

Pink is the colour of care

I’m fundraising to ensure that no one goes through cancer without the care of a McGrath Cancer Care Nurse.

A cancer diagnosis can change your life in an instant and the impact can be felt right through your family, friends, and community.

McGrath Cancer Care Nurses provide clinical, psychosocial and emotional support to people with any type of cancer throughout their treatment.

Thank you so much for your support.

Community Fundraising


27/01/2025 - 24/02/2025

Event Details

In 2022, Tommy Sherer’s mum, Keren Thompson, was diagnosed with a rare type of breast cancer. Keren is now in remission, but her battle with cancer resulted in a double mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Tens of thousands of Australian mums, daughters, aunties and grandmothers, as well as a small number of men, are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. In the last 10 years, breast cancer diagnosis has increased by 24%. To show his commitment to finding a cure, and ensuring affected families get the very best support and treatment available, Tommy is preparing to shave his head to raise money for the McGrath Foundation. It’s been over five years since Tommy had his last haircut. His long and beautiful head of hair doesn’t often see the inside of a bottle of shampoo, but it has most definitely become a part of his look. While Tommy understands that for a lot of people budgets can be tight, he appreciates any donation, big or small, to contribute to a cause that is very close to his heart. Tommy hopes that one day a cure can be found for a disease that has affected so many. In the meantime, the McGrath foundation ensures that sufferers receive the very best care available.

My Achievements

Finalise your page by adding a profile picture!

Self donate $50 to get the fundraising off the mark!

Get 5 friend, team mates or family to donate!

Reply to a donation with a thank you message.

Reach your fundraising target!

Keep up the momentum and raise $100

Thank you to my Sponsors




Tommy Sherer


Mick And Andrea T

Great effort for a great cause Tommy


Tyrepro And Mechanical

Well done to you and sending love and hugs to your mum xx




Monica Holden

Onya Tommy! Big love to you and Keren xx


Keren Thompson


Sam Staunton

Proud of you mate and right behind ya! Xx


Mark And Alice Dyson

Great work Tommy.


Layla Henson

This is incredible! Plus Gem will be so happy to not have to brush your hair 😂 xxx


Jasmine Bridge



Gemma Turner


Rosie Beach

Great work Tommy! Looking forward to see a photo of the new hair do!! ❤️


Matilda Doherty


Rachel Scott

Such a great cause Tommy! Love ya guts x


Lisa Oldfield

Good On Mate - Love The Oldfield’s


Deb Sherer


Courtney Macleod


Lauren Morgan

Good on you young man. I support you in supporting a great cause 😘


Lezlie Mackeral



Molly Marwick

Proud of you Boondie


Izzy Ryan

Heart of gold mate and no doubt you got it from her! Good on ya roota! Hell of a mop to chop too 😂 big love xx


Jonathon Radcliffe




Tim Cook


Odessa Rowlands

Great work bro