PACU Breast Cancer Fundraiser


The last of our events to raise funds for the McGrath foundation has come to an end. Would love to thank everyone for all their help, kindness in donating and love shown for the month of October.

Baskets & Raffles

Week 3 we are running Raffles, a few different prizes. Some amazing business's have donated products & goods & services for us to raffle off. These amazing donations are from: WilandEssie, Big Mumma's Big Dog House, Wallace & Bishop, Studio Pilates Aspley, professional Car Detailing, and last but not least Darrell Lea Chocolates basket. 

Winner 100 Board has collected her CASH

Winner winner chicken dinner we have a winner of the 100 Board raffle, thank you to everyone that participated. Well done Hannah S can't wait to hand over the winnings, and share the other half of the winnings with our McGrath Foundation page. She's a little shy so we stuck the board in front with all the CASH in front lol lol.

100 Board Raffle Board Winner is ???

The first week we ran a 100 Board, all number 1 to 100 were taken up by the end of the first week.
All staff engaged and all numbers have been finalised, payment is in & we will DRAW this raffle this week post our Morning Tea.
Good luck to all may the best person WIN woo hoo!

8th October Morning Tea

Hi Everyone,
Today we hosted a lovely morning tea for all in Theatre, PACU and all staff to share and participate in and it was a success and wonderful day sharing sweet treats with all.
Thank you for all participating, buying, baking and all the kind words it is so much appreciated. Such a wonderful event, without everyone we could not do this.

Pink is the colour of care

We (myself & PACU crew) are fundraising to ensure that no one goes through breast cancer without the care of a McGrath Breast Care Nurse. When it hits home you rally & bring the troops to help in any small way, THIS IS OURS!

A breast cancer diagnosis can change your life in an instant and the impact can be felt right through your family, friends, and community.

McGrath Breast Care Nurses help individuals and their families affected by breast cancer by providing invaluable physical, psychological, and emotional support from the time of diagnosis and throughout treatment.

Thank you so much for your support.

Community Fundraising


03/10/2024 - 30/11/2024

Event Details

During October PACU are running an event every week. Week 1. 100 Board - Completed. Week 2. Morning Tea - 8th October (Level 3 tea room). Week 3. Raffles. Week 4. Donate to see who is shaving their golden locks.

My Achievements

Finalise your page by adding a profile picture!

Self donate $50 to get the fundraising off the mark!

Get 5 friend, team mates or family to donate!

Reply to a donation with a thank you message.

Reach your fundraising target!

Keep up the momentum and raise $100

Thank you to my Sponsors


Nicole Eyles Rbwh Pacu


Nicole Eyles


Michele Fry



Keep pinking them up!


Nicole Eylesrbwh Pacu


Nicole Eyles Pacu Rbhw



Yay! Well done for a good work.




Emily Carmichael


Lyn Bradley


Nick And Madonna Hannay

All the best Nic, love Nick and Don x


Katy Steenstrup Steenstrup




Nicole Eyles Pacu Rbwh


Leneen Swanson


Michelle Hunter




David Ross


Zara Wozniak

An amazing cause!!!


Elisha Jones




Louise Marschke








Emily Austen


Maddie Gundy






Jordan Boyd








Nicole Eyles Pacu Rbwh